Immersive Audio since 2010


Production Support ยท Knowledge Transfer


The Immersive Audio Market:
Amazon, Universal Music and Apple are already there. When do you jump on the train?

According to a study by Fortune Business Insights (2019), the global 3D audio market stood at USD 3.8 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow to USD 12.98 billion by 2026.

Major labels are currently releasing many titles from their catalog in an immersive audio mix. However, especially older productions are very limited for an impressive result, because they usually consist of just a few audio tracks.

New productions require a lot of knowledge and listening experience in order to realize the potential of immersive audio. The result of such productions is stunning and leaves stereo mixes wide behind. And this is where we come in! Thanks to our extensive experience in this field we support our customers in their projects around immersive audio.



Lasse Nipkow (Dipl. El. Ing.) is founder of the Silent Work LLC. He is regularly holding lectures and giving workshops on multi- channel recordings since 2008 at international conferences.

Since 2010 he has improved his empirical research in the field of applied psychoacoustics for Immersive Audio and realized many 3D Audio recordings in classical music as well as created sound design for animation movies and Dance Music.

Feel free to get in touch with us. Impressum: Lasse Nipkow, Hadlaubsteig 17, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland.